
Markides, Kyriacos C., Professor
Bunge, Gabriel, Hieromonk
Deacon Augustine Sokolowski attends meeting of international drafting committee in Montreal
Former battlefield in US will be site of prayers for peace
How the Lord's Prayer saved a 9/11 survivor
Praying with the body: the hesychast method and non-Christian parallels
Metropolitan Kallistos addresses the question of whether there are parallels between the hesychastic method of prayer and other apparently similar techniques of prayer in Hinduism and Islam. Looking at the origins of hesychasm and the teachings of figures such as St Gregory Palamas, St Gregory of Sinai and Nikiphoros the Hesychast, Metropolitan Kallistos addresses the question: is the Jesus Prayer an essential and authentically Christian practice, or is it unnecessary and perhaps even harmful?
Occupy Faith members announce a new pilgrimage to Canterbury
The Jesus Prayer in St Gregory of Sinai
Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia examines the teachings of St Gregory of Sinai (1255-1346) on the Jesus Prayer. Describing both the form of the Prayer and the inward and outward techniques of prayer of the heart, Metropolitan Kallistos also touches upon the question of possible parallels or influences from other religions on the Jesus Prayer in Eastern Christianity. We are left with a clear impression of the extraordinary saint who, with St Gregory Palamas, initiated the renaissance of hesychasm.
Wisdom Songs: A Book of Wisdom Chapters in Five Centuries
'Wisdom Songs' is a collection of five Centuries on the Holy Name, the Song of Songs, Holy Wisdom, the Mysteries of Glory and the Wisdom of Stillness.This ancient monastic wisdom genre was much loved by the desert fathers and hermits of old, nourishing saints and seers for hundreds of years. The crises of the environment, informational technology, interfaith and gender issues all call for wisdom. So it is no surprise to find Orthodox wisdom offering ancient remedies to renew the living tradition in order to address the most urgent needs of our time.
God as Saint John of Kronstadt saw Him
In this talk, originally given at the Parish of Saint John of Kronstadt in Bath, England, Fr Yves Dubois examines the teachings of Saint John of Kronstadt, in the context of his own life and of 19th century Russia, looking at their application to the lives of Christians today.
As New Orleans still recovers, prayer teams cover one block at a time
Theological Education in Scripture and the Fathers
In this address, given at the Vth International Consultation of Orthodox Theological Schools at Halki Theological School, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware examines the Orthodox view of the nature of theology and theological education. Who is worthy of being called a theologian? And yet, if a theologian is ‘one who prays’, should not all Christians aspire to be theologians?
We Must Pray for All: The Salvation of the World According to St Silouan
Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia analyses the soteriological theology of St Silouan the Athonite. Identifying the similar sense of cosmic unity found both in Dostoevsky and St Silouan, the Metropolitan discusses the influence of St Isaac the Syrian on both men, moving on to examine St Silouan's burning desire and constant prayer for the salvation of the whole world and its theological implications.