Anglican and Eastern Churches Association gives annual reception in London

The Anglican and Eastern Churches Association gave an annual reception on October 17, 2011, at Faith House in London. With the blessing of Archbishop Yelisey of Sourozh, the Russian Orthodox Church in Great Britain and Ireland was represented by Archpriest Mikhail Dudko, sacristan of the Cathedral of the Assumption in London.

On behalf of the Church of England, the guests were welcomed by Dr. William Taylor, chairman of the Association Committee. Dr. Sami Khiyami, Syrian ambassador to Great Britain, and Bishop Angelos, general secretary of the Coptic Church Center in Great Britain, spoke of today’s situation of Christians in Syria and Egypt.

The Anglican and Eastern Churches Association was established in 1864 and is one of the oldest interreligious organizations in England. It is patronized by Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and Archbishop Rowan Williams of Canterbury.

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